Tuesday, March 6, 2007

O Canada

I want to be able to go to Canada more often to visit Jasper and Eliot. We had a great time over Christmas break. The CN Tower was amazing, especially the sky pod. Wasn't that wierd when that cook at the mall where we got hot chocolate in Toronto left his stove burning and it caught on fire?! And remeber foker? (heh heh) I can't wait for you guys to come in two weeks!


iotsker said...

I'm surprised it took him so long to relise his food was on fire! I can't wait 'till I come either! I wish I could live on kewanna again.

iotsker said...

By the way, I think that picture is a tennis ball under an x-ray.

iotsker said...

Oh wait... No it's a basket ball!

iotsker said...
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Connor said...
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Connor said...

african or european?

Dr. Jaz said...

Definitely Afropean