Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Hero or Celebrity

These days, people look at celebrities as heroes. I completely dissagree with that. Yea sure, celebrities look nice and are all rich, but that dosen't make them a hero. The real heroes are people like firemen, policemen, ambulance drivers, doctors, anyone who can hold a good job and support a family. Am I right? Comment on who your hero is or who you think is a true hero.


Connor said...

I think that how much of a hero some one is shouldn't be measured by how much they help others, but by how they give up to do so. For that reason, a true hero would be anyone who truly devotes their life to a worthy cause.

Dr. Jaz said...

According to Connor's statistics, Jesus is the ultimate hero, cause he died for us. His whole life was devoted to us. I think that it probably still is.