Tuesday, March 20, 2007


You know, I've lately been thinking how great God is. Think about how He was there before the universe. Nobody created him, He is almighty. God was there before time was, before history. He created earth in seven days, SEVEN DAYS! Now that is a feat I would like to see the modern day idols top... no chance of that. People today just forget about God. They get to caught up in their daily agenda that God just gets bumped out of their schedule. Well they need to wake up! They wouldn't exist without God, nothing would exist without God! And God isn't just here to make us and then disappear, he's here to protect us and guide us in the right direction. Have you ever had a time in your life that you want to do something that you're not supposed to but it seems really fun? But then deep down in your gut, something tells you that it's not a good idea? That's God keeping you out of trouble, or maybe even saving your life! God is amazing and people need to be able to see that. God is all powerful, think about him... it gets your wheels spinning.

1 comment:

iotsker said...

Yeah I have thought about that. People don't know it but God is leading them in the right direction every second. Yet somehow they refuse to beleive that they are only living because of Jesus Christ.