Monday, July 16, 2007

Random Post

Just because i felt like it!!!!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


IT'S SUMMER!!!!!! I LOVE SUMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, May 9, 2007


Today my lacrosse team beat USC 18-7. It felt great to have a complete blowout because they're our biggest rivals. One of the USC kids started punching someone from our team after a huge check, but the kid from our team played hockey and had some experience in fights, so he just threw the USC kid down by his head. They both got thrown out of the game, but the USC kid was extremely embarrassed. After that, USC was just playing mad and were trying to check and didn't go for the ball. We just dodged them a really started scoring. And the refs were from USC and were giving them tips and not calling any penalties against them, they only called ridiculous penalties on us. But at least we won... by 11!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Who is Your Favorite Band?

Hey everybody, comment on who your favorite band is. And guess what Eliot, you might not believe this, but Take Six is coming to Pittsburgh!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Hero or Celebrity

These days, people look at celebrities as heroes. I completely dissagree with that. Yea sure, celebrities look nice and are all rich, but that dosen't make them a hero. The real heroes are people like firemen, policemen, ambulance drivers, doctors, anyone who can hold a good job and support a family. Am I right? Comment on who your hero is or who you think is a true hero.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


You know, I've lately been thinking how great God is. Think about how He was there before the universe. Nobody created him, He is almighty. God was there before time was, before history. He created earth in seven days, SEVEN DAYS! Now that is a feat I would like to see the modern day idols top... no chance of that. People today just forget about God. They get to caught up in their daily agenda that God just gets bumped out of their schedule. Well they need to wake up! They wouldn't exist without God, nothing would exist without God! And God isn't just here to make us and then disappear, he's here to protect us and guide us in the right direction. Have you ever had a time in your life that you want to do something that you're not supposed to but it seems really fun? But then deep down in your gut, something tells you that it's not a good idea? That's God keeping you out of trouble, or maybe even saving your life! God is amazing and people need to be able to see that. God is all powerful, think about him... it gets your wheels spinning.

Cool Song

Hey everybody, a cool new song I just heard was "Who I am Hates Who I've Been"
It's by Relient K and the album is called Mmhmm. Try to check it out on the internet... it's a good song.